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В соответствии с постановлением Правительства Москвы от 20 ноября 2024 г. № 2638-ПП проход на мероприятия с 15.03.2025 г. по билетам, приобретенным с 01.12.2024 г. по новым правилам покупки, осуществляется при обязательном предъявлении одного из документов согласно утверждённому перечню.

Chamber hall

Панорамный тур
Схема зала

Chamber hall The Chamber hall of MIPAC admits 528 spectators. Thanks to its superb acoustic characteristics it is considered one of the best chamber music venues of Moscow. The excellent quality of the hall have been noticed many times by world renowned music stars, including masters of historical performance who usually make highest demands of the acoustics. The Chamber Hall is located in the ground floors under the Svetlanov hall and realized in a completely different, classical style. The interior with the U-shaped figured balconies is designed in muted green and purple tones. The hall shape represents an amphitheater with luxurious boxes in the rear part. The colonnade along the aisles gives the space harmony and splendor. Buffet in the foyer of the hall is decorated with an original table with Florentine mosaic. The hall is equipped with a "Glatter-Gotz" movable organ which has seven stops and a one manual. Today it is frequently used in concert, being not only a hero of Baroque music evenings but also a partner in chamber ensembles, both instrumental and vocal ones.